Puck Software
Puck Utility App
Puck Utility App is designed to help new users interact with the P4 Motor Controllers - update firmware, calibrate, read live data, and spin the motor all in one simple interface.
Clone the Puck Utility Git Repository to interact with the source code and create a custom application.
Download Linux Build - PuckUtilityApp-Linux-v1.1.2
Download Windows Build - PuckUtilityApp-Windows-v1.1.2
Change Log:
Fixed missing functions for ‘Calibrate Active Puck’ and ‘Calibrate All Active Pucks’
Download Linux Build - PuckUtilityApp-Linux-v1.1.1
Download Windows Build - PuckUtilityApp-Windows-v1.1.1
Change Log:
Fixed known bugs with multi-node functionality and ADC Monitor
Improved CAN network efficiency
Added Multi-Puck Calibration for larger CAN networks
Added mode and target callbacks to improve functionality when switching between nodes
Updated position dial to display motor shaft output (previously displayed encoder position)
Download Linux Build - PuckUtilityApp-Linux-v1.1.0
Download Windows Build - PuckUtilityApp-Windows-v1.1.0
Change Log:
Initial Release
Puck Fader App
Puck Fader App is designed to provide a quick and easy solution for position control. Simply connect to the system and a fader rack will initialize for each Puck on the bus, giving instant access to output position. Evaluate new systems easily with customizable settings for joint range, max torque, and gear ratio.
Clone the Puck Fader Git Repository to interact with the source code and create a custom application.
Download Linux Build - PuckFaderApp-Linux-v1.1.2
Download Windows Build - PuckFaderApp-Windows-v1.1.2
Change Log:
Initial Release