Fall 2022

New Fish, BurtResist, and Driving in the Desert


 Exciting new and expanded activities


A fast paced activity designed to train patient’s decision making in an engaging way!

Expanded Fish Varieties

Adding options for more complex visual sorting to FishFood™

Expanded Library of BurtResist

More options for improving patient’s strength

New BurtAssist Activity

Tailor assistance for your patient as they navigate the heights of FlyingEagle™!




DesertDriver is a fast paced activity designed to train patient’s decision making in an engaging way!



The player controls a race car and must reach the end of a track while avoiding obstacles. The car may be steered with abduction/adduction, and speed is controlled by either flexion/extension or protraction/retraction.


  • movement to avoid obstacles - size can be changed

  • movement to avoid hitting the sides of the road - width can be changed

  • max possible speed can be changed



  • the aspects that make physical reflexes more challenging also require faster mental reactions to avoid obstacles/hitting road

  • understanding how each power-up works and using them effectively

  • understanding what the warning signs mean and how they apply to knowing how to use the powerups


Warning sign for ground hazards


Warning sign for rock hazards


Warning sign for animal hazards




  • each level, best time will be saved, patient can aim to beat it

  • higher speeds are exciting

  • different road lengths - going up in levels means revealing more of the road setting to “explore”


New Fish Varieties


Along with the traditional sharks and fish of FishFood™, spice up the game with optional fish varieties.
- more cognative sorting

- knowing what the fish do

- differentiating between the more similarly sized fish (ie knowing to avoid poison fish but still eat regular fish)

  • able to choose the ones you want


Poison Fish

A fish you don’t want to eat - hurts the player fish at all times, even if the player fish is large enough to eat sharks.

Heal Fish

If lives are being used, eating this fish restores one lost life.

Golden Fish

Automatically grows the player fish to maximum size - this lets them eat sharks sooner!

Shrink Fish

Only appears when player is at maximum size. If eaten, hurts player fish and shrinks them back down to the starting size.


New Options for Patient Strengthening


BurtResist™ now has more variety.


Add a moving hook for extra challenge

Special Feature - Hooks in FishFood™


  • hook speed and range are changeable

  • hook is separate from general resistance and can be turned on and off - general resistance has more force oppose player at higher player speeds

  • getting stuck doesn’t hurt player, but may drag player into fish/sharks that will in turn hurt the player

  • extra dimension of play lends a more cognitive component

Being caught on the hook will pull player upwards

Some games push the player relative to one object (BurtFollowMe™ shown above)

Variety of methods for resistance

Some activities will directly push the patient in one direction regardless of position, others push away based on object positions in game, others will make quick movements harder as if moving through molasses. The expanded library means more options to choose from to find the right fit for your patient.

In some activities, moving at higher speed causes more pushback on player that opposes the direction of movement (CatchMaster™ shown above)

Locking vs Unlocked mode have different selections of games

Games added to BurtResist

  • Blackjack

  • BurtAirHockey™

  • BurtBilliards™

  • BurtFollowMe™

  • CatchMaster™

  • FishFood™

  • FlyingEagle™

  • Math

  • Memory

  • PaddleBattle™

 Guidance in FlyingEagle™



  • BurtAssist in FlyingEagle

    • BurtAssist helps patients with weaker arms

    • helps a patient that might have a hard time predicting where they need to move based on what they can see of the fish

  • BurtAssist used in PathFollow mode only


Additional Feature: Visual Cues

Turn on the Visual Cue setting to highlight the next target on the path

Available in freeflight mode - highlights the closest target
