Driving Patient Success with Desert Driver

A patient sits down for their occupational therapy session — instead of the usual exercises, they’re sat in Burt, Barrett Medical’s robotic assistant and introduced to a game - ‘Desert Driver’. This is not just a game, but a tool that’s about to revolutionize their therapy experience.

As an aspiring occupational therapist, you’re stepping into a field that’s constantly evolving. Traditional therapy methods are being complemented with innovative tools designed to engage patients and enhance their recovery process. One such tool is the ‘Desert Driver’ game, a unique blend of fun and therapeutic benefits. Read on to stay up to date with the latest robotic innovations.

About Desert Driver

Desert Driver is a race car game. Here, players navigate a track, avoiding obstacles and trying not to hit the sides of the road. The game mechanics are simple yet engaging:

  • The car is steered with abduction/adduction movements.

  • Speed is controlled by either flexion/extension or protraction/retraction.

  • The size of obstacles, width of the road, and maximum possible speed can be adjusted to increase or decrease difficulty.

Therapeutic Benefits and Practical Application

1. Reflexes: The game requires quick physical reactions to avoid obstacles and prevent the car from hitting the road sides. This helps improve the player’s reflexes. Reflexes are crucial in our daily lives as they allow us to respond quickly to sudden or unexpected situations. For patients recovering from injuries or dealing with conditions that affect their motor skills, improving reflexes can help them regain their independence and perform daily tasks more efficiently.

2. Cognitive Skills: Understanding how each power-up works and interpreting warning signs for different hazards require mental agility, enhancing cognitive skills. Cognitive skills are the core skills our brain uses to think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention. Working on these skills can lead to improved memory, better problem-solving abilities, and faster processing speed. For patients with cognitive impairments, this can significantly improve their quality of life.

3. Coordination: The game requires the player to coordinate their movements with the game events. This can help improve their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Good coordination is vital for most daily activities, and improving it can help patients become more self-sufficient.

4. Decision-making: The player needs to make split-second decisions based on the game events. This can help improve their decision-making skills, which are crucial in every aspect of life. For patients with conditions that affect their decision-making abilities, this can be a fun and engaging way to work on this skill.

5. Motivation: The game provides immediate feedback and rewards, which can motivate the player to keep improving. This can lead to increased self-esteem and a more positive attitude towards therapy.

In a therapy session, Desert Driver can be used as a warm-up exercise or as a fun way to end the session. The game settings can be adjusted according to the patient’s abilities and progress.

Tips and Strategies for Implementation

Here are some tips for incorporating Desert Driver into your therapy sessions:

  • Start with easy settings and gradually increase the difficulty as the patient’s skills improve.

  • Use the game as a reward for completing other therapy tasks.

  • Encourage the patient to beat their own high scores, fostering a sense of achievement.

Desert Driver is more than just a game; it’s a revolutionary tool in the field of occupational therapy. As you embark on your career, don’t be afraid to embrace such innovative tools. They can add a fun element to therapy sessions while contributing to the patient’s recovery. Try ‘Desert Driver’ in your next session and share your experiences with Burt!

Maxwell Harrington